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WIT-NC is extremely thankful for the support of our sponsors who have made meaningful contributions to support WIT-NC’s mission.

Sponsorships are a great way to promote your business while contributing to your global trade compliance community.  Why Become a Women In International Trade - Northern California Corporate Sponsor? 
As a WIT-NC Corporate Sponsor, your company demonstrates its commitment to supporting the global economic empowerment of women and men through the benefits of global trade and business.

Your financial and in-kind support will help WIT-NC to continue to foster a collaborative environment on global trade best practices through our timely and relevant programs.
Our organization provides monthly educational programs, annual Lunar New Year, Summer Networking Extravaganza, and December Holiday events. These programs and events have gained an outstanding reputation for providing a quality service to WIT-NC members and the community.

One of the best marketing solutions your company can invest in is a corporate sponsorship or event sponsorship for Women In International Trade - Northern California. Raise Your Visibility with WIT-NC.

Our Sponsorship Committee will work with you to find opportunities that bring the best exposure and value to your business and get you in front of the type of clients you are looking to attract.

To learn more about these sponsorship opportunities, please contact our Sponsorship Committee at